• Using gentle therapies to assist the body to heal, at its own pace.


  • Through the use of Bowen Therapy and Reiki I will help to support you to reduce pain and stress levels within the body and help to reduce the likelihood of re-injury.


  • Customer service excellence, honesty, confidentiality, empathy, and integrity.     

  • To continue to learn and build upon my skills and to work alongside and in collaboration with your other Health Professionals.


  • Professional, friendly, and detailed explanation of how the treatment will work and what to expect in the days following a session.  

  • A tailor made, non-invasive treatment for your specific needs executed with proficient purpose.      

  • After care recommendations and exercises to support your specific treatment.       

  • Your personal details will be treated with the utmost respect, integrity, and confidentiality at all times. I will not sell, exchange, or profit from your personal details through a third party.


  • Enclose to me a full health history enabling me to tailor a treatment plan to specifically address your needs. Similarly, advise me at each treatment of any changes you experience no matter how small.    

  • Treat the Bowen Therapy or Reiki experience with respect and allow yourself to have an aware and open mind to changes that may be occurring.     

  • If you have benefited from my service and know someone else who might- please pass them my details.  I have a referral discount.     

  • I encourage you to provide feedback to my contact form. Through feedback I can continue to grow.

  • Need to cancel? I request you give 24hrs notice as someone else may benefit from your cancellation.


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